Welcome to the Carlton County Heritage Society.
We're a small group who enjoys looking into our heritage and helping others in Carlton County (Minnesota) research their family roots.
Genealogy is a challenging hobby,and we hope to share some good sources of information here,to help you on your search.It's a never ending quest trying to dig back into history while researching our ancestry.
We especially love the Carlton area,and the rich heritage all us residents have.If any place has the most interesting heritage in the world,it's definitely Carlton County.We have a lot of surprises this 2012 year,and we're so over joyed with the feed-back,and the involvement from those in our community who have an interest in their genealogy,and the heritage of their community.They both go hand,in hand and that's what makes the quest looking into our past so interesting.
SURNAME: Balin..was prior Balan
My great great grandpa came over from Romania almost 160 years ago,and after a 100 years on the east cost the roots of our family tree have reached Carlton County,and that's where most of us Balins reside today,but we're also spread out though neighboring counties as well.
My great great grandpa was only 2 years old when he arrived in 1851,and lived to be 86 years old.That was old back in those days especially when he only met a DR, 3 times in his life.His name was Alin Balan.His last name was later changed to Balin,and luckily the name change has not effected my research on my heritage.
He later married a beautiful German girl by the name Ursula (Maiden name Roberts).They had 3 children named Robert,Martin and Marie.
I will be adding our family tree here in great detail.I don't want to devote the main page just to my family tree.I figure giving the dates when we arrived here in the U.S. is a good starting point for others,and if they feel in need they can go into more detail on a separate page regarding the Balins.
We're Here To Help Others
We want to be as informational to others visiting on their research,and try to point them in the right direction.So your family tree interests us,just as our own does.Please know we encourage you to do the research,and we'll do our best to post leads to genealogy sites that may help you on your genealogy journey.
We'll be adding Surnames here shortly from those who have submitted their family tree information to us,and would like to share it with the public.The more information out here,makes the researching all that much more easier.Half the battle out here is e-mailing,and posting messages asking on certain surnames.So it's greatly appreciated when the information is there,else it's a full time job for the person wanting to promote their heritage answering questions via e-mail.So try to do your best with at least the basic layout of your family tree is available to readers.Save you,and others a lot of time.
Carlton County Historical Society
Now here is something we'd like to share with those who visit,and their research leads them to the Carlton County area.It's the Carlton County Historical Society.The really have a vault of knowledge,and surnames,not to mention archives of marriage records.If you're researching ancestry here it's a must visit.

Phone - 218-879-1938
Carlton County in my opinion is a place alot of our roots have come through at one time..or another.Our families we're involved in logging,perhaps worked in the mines,or on the ships,or on the ports on Lake Superior.To get from point A..to point B you'd most likely go through Carlton County.So we have something in common with all North East Minnesota.
Grace Anderson claims most all the other counties in the north east part of the state originated from those living in Carlton County.So when it's comes to a person's roots in the area,we're a gold mine..or could be a starting point,mid-point,or the end point on your search.
Carlton County Heritage Society Meetings (All Welcomed To Join Us)
We'll be setting up some dates here in the not so distant future we're we all can meet at a local restaurant in Cloquet,and shoot some ideas around with another.Our main goal is spreading useful information to those looking into their heritage in the area,and encouraging others to have interest.No matter what aspect of genealogy,we just want people to take an interest.
UPDATE: We will be meeting at Perkins restaurant Dec.17th.All our welcomed to come join us for some pie & coffee.It's located at 64 Big Lake Road in Clouqet and we'll be there at 5:00 PM.No certain subject,so we hope a lot of good conversation will arise and put some ideas on paper to pursue.Looking forward to meeting all of you,and Barb Larson will be there sharing her latest research on some of the old businesses in the area,and maybe doing a story on some who have worked their,and portray their roots in the area.Should be very interesting.
Extra Reading
Surnames in the Carlton area can be submitted here as well.If you have a link to your family tree page,all that much better and we can link to that too.As we said earlier,we really want this site to be as informational as possible to our visitors.We want it to be as informational as possible to our fellow researchers.That means you,and we mean that from the bottoms of our heart.We know this can be frustrating,and that's one thing we try to take out of when it comes to the researching.
Another thing the Carlton County Heritage Society likes is the diversity of those who settled her long ago.Rich in culture,rich in all aspects when it came to the diversity of our area.For those who settled here long ago,they deserve to be remembered.That's why we do what we do.We really do care,not just about our own family tree,but yours as well.
We must be thankful that at one time we had a big demand for jobs up here.The paper mill,and the logging.The iron ore in the ground.Our vast resources here in Minnesota made a lush environment for people to settle in.That's why we're going to pay a little more attention to the companies,and business as well that help made generations thrive here.
It's not uncommon for those who work in the mines now,that perhaps their parents,or grandparents did as well.It's not uncommon some of those who did logging,ended up in the mines at a later time.We are spread out here,and what I mean by that is our heritage,our roots..our families.I have in laws,cousins,brothers,and sisters,and let me not leave out my grandchildren all of the north east part of the state.
One sad thing a lot of us are noticing is many are leaving the area.Resorts are barely hanging on,logging is at a minimal,and to get employed at the mines can be challenging.We're hoping for better days too.Your not alone in your thoughts when it comes to our fragile economy.
We plan to throw in a little history in what it was like in this part of the state 40,50,60,,to a hundred years ago.No matter who a person was back then,we all had something in common.Hardships,and at the same time determination to make a living and lay down our roots here.
So keep checking back for further updates by our heritage discovery team.We have a lot of ideas in store,to make genealogy a lot more interesting than just names on paper.
Contact For The Carlton County Heritage Society ..Martha Anderson